
There’s nothing like a cold brew after a heavy workout. Or sofa beers while watching other people sweat their butts off. To Øl’s Sportsbajer is your go-to beer for maximum pleasure and minimum distraction. A 4,5% Session Lager perfectly suited for all things… sporty!

We’re showing most FIFA World Cup games at the BRUS Shop, where Sportsbajer is up for grabs from the bottle shop in a 3 for 100dkk bundle. We’re is also flipping burgers and fermenting fries all going in to a special World Cup Combo with a side of beer for 185dkk. Check out all games and info in the event here!

If you’re up for some online bottleshopping, To Øl’s Webshop is offering a World Cup Sixer or a whole case of Sportsbajer. Check it out here – To Øl is shipping to all of EU!


Published on 15th June 2018